Our Work

There is no similar participatory work happening in N.I., with the ambition and scope; multiple art forms with so many individuals with such varying disabilities and additional support needs: our activities engage people with physical and neurodiverse disabilities, sensory impairments and mental health illness. We work to improve the artistic and creative life of disabled people.

In addition to our year round programmes Open Arts runs additional stand-alone participatory projects. The purpose of these projects is to engage more disabled people in the arts including children and young people. We continuously grow and develop artistic programmes to respond to changing needs and interests.

You can find more information about our past projects here.

As of 2024 Open Arts is a registered Arts Award Centre. Arts Award’s unique qualifications support children and young people to develop as artists and arts leaders. The programme develops skills for success in 21st century life including creativity, leadership, reflective thinking and communication skills. Young people also develop knowledge and understanding of their chosen art forms Arts Award is open to anyone aged 25 and under, and embraces all interests and backgrounds. Through Arts Award young people learn to work independently, helping them to prepare for further education and employment.

Arts Award logo