Take Away Theatre

"We had the most lovely visit from Jojo and Stephanie. 'M' is still saying their names. It was such a lovely time shared with them and so gentle to suit 'M' needs, which by the end of the session he was confident, excited, alert and engaged beautifully. We are so grateful for this service. Thank you."

Take Away Theatre is an interactive, fun experience for disabled people and their families or close friends. It is suitable for anyone 5+ years!

Participants create their own story and drama based on our unique Takeaway Theatre menu and will even be provided with a specially chosen box of props! The experience lasts for about an hour and families will receive a call from an artist before the experience to make sure the needs of everyone taking part are met.

Take Away Theatre can be delivered at home or as part of larger events to ensure an accessible, engaging experience for disabled people. 

If you are interested in learning more or booking an experience please complete our registration form, or you can also watch the short trailer below to get a taste of what it’s all about. 

Here is some feedback from families we have visited.
"As a family it was a heart warming and fun experience. I recommend every family should do this. We could never go to a theatre with 'O' but now, why would we want to when we can actually plot and participate in our own play at home with the expertise and guidance of the amazing performers from Take Away Theatre – Open Arts... Just amazing!"
"I cannot thank you, and your team, enough for the amazing time we had today; Jessica and Stephen are wonderful and brought so much joy into our home. I must say I was a little concerned as 'A' had been in a bit of a ‘twist’ all morning and it was hard to know how engaging he would be. However, the pair were able to turn him around and their patience and creative imaginations were amazing. We all had a really great time. Thank you all so much again, best wishes."
Take Away Theatre artist Richie is on the ground with a young boy and they are playing with toy animals.